Tuesday, July 19, 2011

HR Shits Bricks!!!

July is the season of holidays, it is the season when one goes out, learns new things, meets new people, make new friends. But I remember distinctly what happened that July with HR.

- Now a day’s u seem to be loitering around a lot-
Just imagine if such a statement comes from the Elder Brother of a Girl whom you have just met and started hanging out 

I don’t exactly remember the year this happened but it was during one of the more free’er holiday seasons when we didn’t have much to care about the year starting or whatever.

So HR’s family had this land plot which they had rent out. The front portion of it was taken by a business family who had opened a cyber café and in back portion of the plot was a house which was given to rent. Since we had our summer vacation so I, HR and a few of other friends used to hang out at the cyber café as there was free internet, free cold drinks and snacks some times (Courtesy cyber café guy coz of HR :P)

One day as usual around evening I and HR were hanging around and I noticed HR was from time to time looking towards the house behind the cyber café. I ignored his actions for a while but then I realized he seemed distracted and was continuously looking at the house. So I jumped in front of him and saw what he was looking at, in a split moment I noticed a female run inside the house and HR’s face was pale as if he was shitting bricks and I was enjoying this small moment.

I take HR in a corner and ask him about what is going on and HR is all defensive with me
“I don’t know”
“She keeps looking at me’
“She tries to signal me”
“She tries to speak to me”
“She writes something’s in small paper and throws by way which I don’t pick up”
I ask him why is he so defensive and frightened to which HR answers that the female in question is the sister of 3 elder brothers of which 2 are lawyers and 1 is a well-known ruffian in the area.


  1. I expected smthng better... :(

  2. Hello .. This is no Yashraj Movies ..
    This is a real story ...

  3. I dont know who HR is, how interesting his childhood lovestory was? but the way you publish in yr blog is really awesome, when i read it, its like a movie playing in front of my eyes. Great Vikas, u r a typical Picean.

  4. Hey Arpita thx for the words :) will try to maintain the same interest :)
